
4 Tips to Get the Most Out of Business Resources

Danielle Andrews March 8, 2022

When looking for resources to support you on your business journey, navigating through all the different programs and resources available can be overwhelming.

Here are 4 key tips to help you get the most out of your efforts when connecting with support organizations for resources and programs.

#1. Identify what makes you and your business unique

When looking for support in your business, it is helpful to identify who you are and what makes you unique. Do you identify with being a youth, Indigenous, an Immigrant, person of colour, a woman? There may be specific programming available for you.

Get curious about your industry. Are there industry associations you should know about? Perhaps they have mentoring programs or training opportunities that will be relevant to you.

Know that there are similar business resources available throughout BC, but each organization/program has their own focus. The focus might be demographic, region based, industry based, or purpose based, like exporting.

Latina carpenter standing in her workshop and working. Holding laptop with one hand and using it. She is focused on her work resources.

#2. Clarity is key

To make the most of your time, clarify for yourself what stage of business you are at, and what support you need.

Are you in the early stages of starting your business, developing your existing business or growing an established business?

Different programs offer different areas of focus spanning business advising, mentoring, cohort-based training, webinars, one-to-one mentoring, peer mentoring, wage subsidies, loans, grants and tax credits and more. This can start to feel overwhelming if you don’t know what your area of focus is.

Take the time to clarify your needs. Feel free to ask the organization for assistance to determine if the program or resource is a good fit for your area of focus.

#3. Take advantage of multiple programs

If you have the capacity, you can work with multiple organizations/programs at the same time. We are all here to support you in your entrepreneurial journey.

Being involved in different programs offered by different organisations is a great way to build your network, get to know players in your industry and build your business.

Be mindful of your workload and ensure you balance commitments so you can take full advantage of the programs you participate in. Ask what the commitment level is upfront so you can block time in your calendar.

Photo of student studying, books and laptop resources surround her.

#4. Get to know the organization you are working with

Ask for a specific person to connect with, get their name, email and phone extension.

Ensure you are across the next steps in the process. Ask if the service is free, and if not, you can often ask for a bursary to attend for free.  

Be aware that you should never have to pay for information about programs—this should always be free. It’s the registration or enrollment that may have a fee associated. Using this strategy can save you from potential scams.

Keep in mind that many of the supports you will access are through not-for-profit organizations. Once you take advantage of their programs, be sure to amplify the offering.

If you have a positive experience, share it with your network, on social media or review platforms, as we know a rising tide raises all ships!

Find out more about how WeBC can support your business and help you navigate your business journey at we-bc.ca.

About Danielle Andrews

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