
How to Seamlessly Blend Your Marketing and Sales Strategies

Randy Morris June 17, 2021
women in business

Sales is the engine for providing services and products, and marketing is the fuel. Here’s how to blend your marketing and sales strategies so that you can leverage them successfully in your business.

Incorporate Media and Content Creation

Content creation is one of the largest aspects of marketing. Strong content, when marketed well on social media and other digital platforms, offers a powerful medium for you to sell (and speak) directly to your customers instantly.

Incorporate content marketing and social media into your sales plan. In marketing, quality is more important than quantity. Think about where your customers “live,” especially when it comes to social media, and stick to one or two digital platforms.

Utilize a “Boots on the Ground” Approach

Face-to-face communication is another huge part of marketing. COVID-19 has created new, innovative opportunities to connect to customers. By pushing a few buttons on a computer you can reach customers all over the world instantly.

Stay connected with your clients through virtual seminars and panels or showcase new products through value-driven webinars and newsletters.

Virtual marketing puts the seller in control.

Maximize Digital Networking

Long-term sales results are based on building strong business friendships, trust, and goodwill. Digital networking helps you land client referrals, build brand awareness, and get in front of new audiences in a matter of minutes. Using tools like LinkedIn, make space to network with industry leaders, fellow executives, and of course, your customers. Include relevant sales links in your social media posts and make it easy for followers to learn more about your products.

Digital networking includes engaging on social media with relevant topics or posts or going a few steps further and attending online trade shows and conferences. Digital networking must provide value to your audience. Time is precious, and online consumers won’t engage with just anyone. Share your industry expertise giving audiences a reason to keep coming back to you and your brand.

By following these steps and to blend your marketing and sales strategies, you can leverage them successfully in your business.

About Randy Morris

An industry leader with 30+ years in sales, brand management and development. Customers contact me to find ways to increase sales, profits and improve their sales approach. This includes surpassing goals, finding new markets, and fine-tuning sales presentations. Clients discover the salesperson within, understand their market positioning and create action plans to generate more revenue. I inspire others to learn to love sales and achieve rewarding results.

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