
Cassandra Hui, Heal Mary, Vancouver

Heal Mary, Vancouver
WeBC June 14, 2023

When people are faced with difficult health challenges, the initial steps on the path to treatment are often unclear. Cassandra Hui founded Heal Mary, a Vancouver-based digital health platform, to help patients better understand clinical trial treatments and pave the way towards treatment options. Heal Mary offers an app that breaks down requirements and criteria for various clinical trial treatments using AI, enabling an easier way for patients to enroll and access the healthcare they need.

Coming from a tech and data science background, Cassandra pivoted toward a career in health when she witnessed her mother and sisters’ journey through their breast cancer diagnosis.

“It was the painful process of going through the experience of having to find clinical trial options and treatments that were available that shaped my career path into this space. My team and I knew there had to be a better way to find out about clinical trials, and more importantly, how to enroll in them.”

Since launching in 2019, they have helped thousands of patients, doctors and caregivers connect with clinical trials and Heal Mary has taken home several awards, including an Ideator Award from Arthritis Society Canada this spring.

Giving Back as a Mentor for Discovery Foundation’s Strategic Mindset Program

Cassandra joined Discovery Foundation’s Strategic Mindset Program as a Mentor after being referred to it by fellow women business owners she met through WeBC. This unique Peer Mentorship program unites women entrepreneurs all over BC to build their networks in small groups led by experienced women tech leaders. The program uses WeBC’s award-winning Peer Mentoring Model™, which uses action learning to solve business problems in real time and supports women in growing their businesses.

“I got started with the Discovery Foundation program because I really like its unique peer group format. You have a set agenda every time you go in, but each entrepreneur brings their own perspective. It really opens your mind up to similarities as well as differences that women face across different industries and provides insights on how to solve them.”

Mentor Q&A

Q: What challenges did you encounter on your own journey as a business owner?

A: One thing we realized over time is that we are much more effective at supporting patients at the community level rather than supporting them individually. Getting feedback from patients really helped us develop our tool in a way that maximizes our impact on the community.

Q: What do you feel is your greatest strength in your business?

A:  I think my greatest skill that I bring to the table has always been building really good teams. I’ve participated in a lot of hackathons, so building teams on the fly and knowing what to look for to be able to develop a product within a really short time frame has always been my specialty. I know how to find people that have the skills, mindset, and passion required for a project’s success.

Q: What has been your experience as a Mentor in the Discovery Foundation mentorship Program?

A: Personally, I love this program because of how it differs from other programs that are out there. The format is really unique and offers a combination of perspectives that you can’t find elsewhere. Every session has a particular agenda, so you know what to expect, but each entrepreneur that participates brings their own challenges and their own lens to the table. The knowledge and insights shared come from a large variety of areas, which opens your mind up to similarities, but also differences across industries.

Q: Have you had a mentor who provided guidance in your own life and business?

A: I’m very lucky to say that I have someone in my life right now who not only is a personal mentor, but an advisor to our company. Having someone with that level of insight, wisdom and caring not only about my business’ success but about my personal growth is an immense source of support. I don’t have the words to describe how valuable it is to receive guidance from someone who has your best interest in mind; there’s nothing like it.

Q: What’s the biggest lesson you have learned while being in business for yourself?

A: One lesson that sticks out for me is: don’t be afraid to ask for help. Sometimes we get into our heads and wait until a certain point in time before we reach out for help. It’s important to remind ourselves that we are being supported, that we do have networks of people who would love to help, they just don’t know that you need it until you ask. Don’t be afraid to ask!

Where to find Heal Mary






Cassandra Hui

Apply now to join Discovery Foundation’s Strategic Mindset Program for 2023

Are you a woman entrepreneur in the first five years of business who operates in the tech sector, uses technology as a significant part of the business (such as an eCommerce site), or creates innovative products, services or processes? Apply to join the 2023 program to receive mentorship from Cassandra or other tech leaders and connect with women around BC. Only 32 spots available! Learn more or apply >>>

About WeBC

WeBC is a not-for-profit that has been supporting women business owners across the province for over 25 years. Working with our regional partners, we’ve provided thousands of entrepreneurs with business loans and expertise, training, resources, and peer network support to help businesses grow and thrive.

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