
Laurie Beesting, Bridge the Gap Math, Bowen Island

Bowen Island
WeBC June 28, 2024

Laurie Beesting began her career as a teacher in England, where she spent over 20 years in education. Upon immigrating to Canada, she transitioned to private teaching and quickly noticed a significant demand for math tutoring. This influenced Laurie to prioritize math education and she began developing a teaching program. Over the years, Laurie compiled her content into a textbook aimed at improving math confidence among students transitioning to high school. In 2019, she self-published her book, Bridge the Gap Math.

Bridge the Gap Math focuses on equipping parents to tutor their children in essential math concepts. What sets the book apart is that it doesn’t have grade levels, allowing all students, regardless of their proficiency level, to feel comfortable using it. Laurie’s philosophy is that students need to understand concepts regardless of their grade level, fostering confidence and competence in math education.

Initially overwhelmed by the business aspects of her work, Laurie sought support to improve her understanding of marketing and social media. She discovered WeBC and joined our Growth Peer Mentorship Program to connect with other women business owners for feedback and advice.

Through the program, Laurie found direction in overcoming challenges and exploring alternative marketing strategies. She appreciated the clarity gained in identifying her needs and mastering the art of setting achievable goals.

Looking ahead, Laurie plans to focus on quarterly goals for her book editions, aiming for a distributor in Australia and improved sales in the UK and Canada. Her experience with WeBC has provided valuable support, networking opportunities, and equipped her with practical insights for achieving her business goals.

Client Q&A

Q: What are you most proud of about Bridge the Gap Math?

A: There are two things that I’m particularly proud of. In the book, all 100 lessons follow the same format; the lessons have a learning objective, a short teaching script, and eight questions to try out. That has been a huge selling point and key to the success of the program.

The other thing is that I’ve been asked to do conferences and speaking presentations. I’ve been providing motivational talks to teachers and that’s part of the journey I hadn’t expected, but am proud of.

Q: What has been your biggest learning since starting a business?

A: My entrepreneurship journey has not come naturally to me. I put all my energy into being this dynamic teacher and producing what I hoped would be a great book. That side of things comes more naturally.

The part that I don’t find very easy is the other stuff that helps get the book known. My marketing skills and knowledge of social media have been a challenge. That’s the reason I wanted to be a part of WeBC, to try to learn those skills and get my confidence level up. For instance, the program helped me to connect with a woman who is showing me how to hire interns to help with my social media. 

Q: What were the most important lessons you learned from the Growth Peer Mentorship Program?

A: A skill I picked up from WeBC is to set smaller, quarterly goals. It’s so obvious but when it was pointed out to me, I realized there is an easier way to achieve things and not take on too much at once. I’m trying to set quarterly goals for all three editions and my big one for this next quarter is to hopefully get a distributor in Australia.

Another big thing was learning that I’m not the only one going through all of this and it’s okay to ask for help.

Q: What advice would you give to someone starting their own business?
A: One of the things that almost stopped me was my lack of confidence in social media and technology. You don’t have to know everything to start a business if you are passionate about what you are building.

I have people always asking me to make the book into a digital version, but I felt so strongly that this should be a real book. You should be bold and brave enough to be different, not following exactly what other people tell you to do.

Where to Find Bridge the Gap Math




About WeBC

WeBC is a not-for-profit that has been supporting women business owners across the province for over 25 years. Working with our regional partners, we’ve provided thousands of entrepreneurs with business loans and expertise, training, resources, and peer network support to help businesses grow and thrive.