Becoming a Thought Leader is a process that takes time and effort.
Thought leaders do things that will set them apart from the crowd. In addition to being an expert in their field, thought leaders share information with the world through blogs, articles, posts, public speaking, and other platforms that can spread their message. It’s not enough that they know what they’re an expert of, they let OTHER people know that not only are they innovative and knowledgeable, they have the experience to support their claims.
To help you begin the journey of becoming a thought leader, here are a few areas to focus on.
1. Make Connections
Great thought leaders genuinely want to help people. If you know someone who should know someone else, connect with them. It might not serve you directly, but people appreciate the effort. Soon, they’ll send other people to you and word will get around that you’re a nice person who knows your stuff. That builds trust, and trust is one of the key components to getting people to become your client.
2. Cultivate relationships
Strategic alliances with bloggers and media personalities are a great way to become a thought leader. Connect with them. Comment on their blog, offers a helpful bit of advice or resource that could help their readership or connect them to a person in your network that would create a win/win for both of them – and you.
3. Keep Learning
The reason you’re an expert in your field is that you are a lifelong learner. There’s always new information that can help you remain the expert in your field.
TIP: What you learn doesn’t always have to be related to what you do. Learning something completely different, can broaden your perspective and give you valuable insights.
4. It’s not about You
Put your ego on the back burner. Instead of looking for that “pat on the back”, allow others to not only share the limelight but shine. No one becomes an expert on their own.
Now Go Get Connected!