
Candace Chisholm, HeChangedIt, Kelowna

WeBC January 18, 2023

Candace Chisholm is the co-founder of Okanagan tech company HeChangedIt. The men’s mental health and wellness app is in its infant stages as of this writing (the free beta version of the app has been running for over a year). Candace also plans to create a community just for men and launch a podcast hosted by Chisholm’s husband, Mike, called heCast.

When Candace started to develop the app, she was deep into research mode. Some of the statistics she came across were difficult to read. “Five men, every hour, die by suicide in North America alone. Eleven Canadians die every day by suicide and eight of them are men.”

This research was the beginning of the app.

Candace began her entrepreneurship journey as a child, sewing and making lemonade to sell. She tried working in a corporate environment but says:

“Carving my own path is the only way for me. I am either working hard for my dream or for someone else’s…and my dreams won!”

Since learning about WeBC, Candace enjoys receiving the monthly WeBC eNews, which she says is packed with tips, resources, and stories of women entrepreneurs. She has been inspired to participate in quite a few webinars and finds the information invaluable. An optimist at heart, Candace loves to read about other women entrepreneurs who are working on their businesses and launching them successfully.

Candace has a husband and two sons. The HeChangedIt app is her way of addressing mental health and wellness in a proactive way. She wanted to offer an alternative to a structured ‘program’ designed for men with addictions.

Candace says that being a woman business owner is harder than anything she has done before, but the rewards outlast the exhaustion. Her plans for the HeChangedIt app are exciting and updates and additions are constantly being considered.

Candace is betting that HeChangedIt will provide men the space they need to consider their mental health in the same way as their physical health and create some much-needed balance rather than stigma.

Where to Find HeChangedIt


Instagram: @hechangedit

About WeBC

WeBC is a not-for-profit that has been supporting women business owners across the province for over 25 years. Working with our regional partners, we’ve provided thousands of entrepreneurs with business loans and expertise, training, resources, and peer network support to help businesses grow and thrive.

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