
From Burnout to Bliss: 3 Keys to Reclaim Your Time and Happiness

Amy Englemark December 6, 2022

Do you feel overwhelmed, discontent or stretched thin lately? Even naturally calm leaders and business owners notice their frustrations rising to the surface due to recent business changes or family challenges. 

As a business owner and leader, it can be tempting to believe you’re the person who needs to hold it all together. This results in you continually showing up for others and putting your needs, wants and happiness last.

Here are 3 keys to help you reclaim time for yourself so you can feel happy now, not someday.

#1: Identify the story you’re telling yourself

If you feel overwhelmed, what’s the story you’ve been telling yourself that’s been running the show and creating a lack of happiness? For example, “I don’t have enough time to do the things I need or want to do.” Get to the root of the story in your head to change the fruit in your life.

#2: Speak up about what matters to you

If you avoid uncomfortable conversations, what price will you continue to pay and how will you teach others to treat you? Sometimes you’re not keeping the peace, you’re just playing it safe. 

Assuming you could handle whatever the outcome of the conversation, I invite you to fill in the blank, “If I could, I would speak up about _________.”

#3: Make a decision and take action

Are these thoughts running through your mind about your current lack of personal time? “Someday I’ll go for the walk, prioritize my hobby, put boundaries around my work hours” or “When I have more energy, the kids leave the house or I get the support I need, then I’ll do it.” 

If so, you may be waiting a long time for a change. Instead, make a decision to see yourself as equally worthy of happiness to those around you. Act on what James Cook said, “Do just once what others say you can’t do and you’ll never pay attention to their limitations again.”

About Amy Englemark

Amy is a speaker, business coach and author of the book, “From Burnout To Bliss: The 21 Day Plan To Boost Health, Wealth And Happiness.” She helps business owners, world leaders and medical professionals decrease stress and prioritize their own happiness, health and prosperity, without sacrificing professional excellence. You can find out more about Amy and sign up for her newsletter, free tools, speaking engagements and 1-1 support at www.amyenglemark.com

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