How to Plan Your Social Media Content Fast for Busy Entrepreneurs

Plan 30 days worth of content by doing this
Do you often find yourself scrambling for content ideas when you log on to Instagram in the morning? Or maybe your last launch didn’t have the results you expected on social media.
Planning out content doesn’t have to be confusing or time intensive, you just need to know where to start. First, let’s break down things that can go wrong with content planning.
The Three Biggest Mistakes of Content Plans for Social Media
- Not having a plan at all. The most common mistake that business owners make is posting on the fly on social media. Being inspired by local events and trends can play a part, but you need an overarching plan to know where you’re headed with your content.
- Not enough lead time. If you have a launch or promotion coming up, you want to start warming up your audience about 6 weeks prior on both social media and email marketing. Before you even start talking about the offer, you want to plant seeds inside your target audience’s mind about working with you or trying your products, and start to remove any barriers they might have. This way when you launch they are ready to say YES!
- Not enough repetition! On average, it takes 8 touchpoints with a follower or potential customer before your message even starts to sink in. This means your content on social media needs to repeat the same message over and over again for your audience to really understand your core offers.
Ready to make a quick and easy content plan you can repeat every month?
Try this 4X3 Social Media Content Planning Method
First break down your content into 3 pillars:
Pillar #1: Awareness – High-level getting to know you and/or your products with light and fun content.
Pillar #2: Deeper understanding – Learning more about the behind-the-scenes of your business, or going deeper with education.
Pillar #3: Sales or consults – It’s time to get hired and make sales!
Now make a list of 4 common frequently asked questions about your business. (If you have some already on your website, you can use those!)
Put those together in a grid like this:
Now the idea is to answer each of the FAQ’s for each of your content pillars, moving your audience along the path to conversion. Here’s an example for a mortgage broker with some sample ideas:
Now you’ve got 12 posts mapped out for the month! You can always add a few more in spur of the moment for events or as needed.
This might seem repetitive when it comes to content planning—but remember that 8 touchpoint number to get you started.
Watch the WeBC live replay where I share a few more details about the content plan and answer live Q&A from our audience along with WeBC.