When is the last time you said you were so busy? Maybe it was yesterday and maybe it was only 10 seconds ago? Have you ever wondered if there is a downside to your busyness? I recently had the unfortunate experience where my own ‘busyness’ cost me a contract. My prospective client had heard me say numerous times how busy I was and assumed I would not have time to handle her business. I was gutted!
Saying that we are busy just rolls off our tongues these days. People holding full-time jobs work on average 44 hours per week and in some professions, it can be 60 hours or more. If you are an entrepreneur, you are probably working round the clock. But being a broken record about how busy you are can have adverse consequences, or so I learned the hard way.
For example, when you tell people about the millions of things you have going on, you might be sending the message “Look at all my obligations and responsibilities. I am productive, industrious, accomplished and successful.” By sharing with others that you’re so busy, you inevitably place the focus on yourself. Doing so might be perceived as ignoring the needs of others.
When it comes right down to it, everyone is busy. Your full calendar doesn’t make you extra special. So, don’t go around saying “I’m busier than you” or comparing your schedule to others. If you’re trying to stand out as an entrepreneur and in your business career, you’re not going to separate yourself from your competitors by telling everyone how busy you are. Instead of being a badge of honour, your busyness may send the signal to your potential customers and colleagues that you aren’t working smart.
At the end of the day, workaholics aren’t heroes. They don’t save the day, they just use it up. The real hero is home because he or she figured out a faster and better way. The next time someone asks how you are, try responding with “I am great and I’m always interested in new opportunities”. Such a response could spark a deeper conversation that could lead to more and better prospects