
Kristy Keus

My Fit Life Now Inc, Kelowna
WeBC June 17, 2020

My Fit Life Now Inc. was established in June of 2019. After over a decade of personal training and group strength and fitness training, Kristy decided to take her knowledge and passion into the online world to better serve her clients. Meeting up with a like-minded fitness enthusiast created this incredible opportunity for My Fit Life Now to become a reality, a dream Kristy and her partner had both had for several years.

Kristy knew that she wanted to be an entrepreneur as soon as she started learning about fitness. Her pre-developed passion for helping others at the best of her ability fully ignited when she started training and saw the potential of the huge reach of people she could help with the mass amounts of ideas floating around her mind.  My Fit Life Now offers guided fitness videos via a subscription service.

Prior to starting this business, Kristy had been, and still is in a smaller capacity, running her mobile personal training business as well as teaching group fitness classes at several different studios throughout Kelowna. Because she have been in the industry for so long and had such a passion to continue learning, Kristy finds herself working with a large variety of clients.

Mentor Q&A

Q. What do you feel is your greatest strength in your business?

As a busy mom to three, as well as co-owner of a busy mortgage brokerage with my husband who works from home, I feel that my greatest strength would be organization and motivation! I know I want to help as many people as I can, myself and my family included, so I am motivated to do whatever it takes to do so. Sometimes this looks like organized chaos, but that’s what works for me. I also feel that I have a great ability to roll with the punches, as things in my day/training sessions/videos often have some exciting wrench thrown in, I am able to overcome these obstacles by quickly thinking on my feet to solve the issue. This involves some patience and humour at times.

Q. What’s the biggest lesson you have learned while being in business for yourself?

I have learned so many things. Perhaps my biggest lesson is that even though you are working for yourself there are many others who are rooting for you and can support you so you don’t have to do everything by yourself. It’s ok to hire help where needed and let go of some of the control. For example if bookkeeping isn’t your thing (who’s is it really?) then pay someone to do that for you so you can focus on what you love. At the beginning when funds are low this isn’t always easy, but it helps – a lot! Also by partnering with other sometimes similar, sometimes very different businesses you can help each other out through cross-promotion. This is fun and very beneficial. I have met some amazing people and had exciting opportunities open up to me by opening my circle.

Q. Do you have any advice for other women who are following in your path?

I would have to say, trust yourself! You have this desire and passion burning within you for a reason. Go for it, work through your fears and work your butt off to make it a reality.

Q. Can you think of an example of when you had a mentor who provided guidance in your life and the impact or influence they had on your life or business?

I haven’t had a traditional mentor in my path as of yet, but many bits of valuable information passed along from many people have helped shaped me into who I am today. One example would be during my group fitness training when I found it extremely difficult to stand in front of people, especially my peers learning alongside with me and teach them a fitness routine. I wanted to bail on the whole course, but my instructor told me to tough through it as she saw my potential. I wouldn’t be here today if it weren’t for her kind words of encouragement.

Q. Why do you want to volunteer your time as a mentor to help less experienced women business owners?

I want to see others succeed and be able to follow their dreams as I have been able to. It is a wonderful way to live life and I am excited to play a part in increasing someone’s chance at creating and running a business to sustain themselves.

About WeBC

WeBC is a not-for-profit that has been supporting women business owners across the province for over 25 years. Working with our regional partners, we’ve provided thousands of entrepreneurs with business loans and expertise, training, resources, and peer network support to help businesses grow and thrive.

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