
Leading from Within: 3 Changes to Find Your Strength

Hillary Schneider June 23, 2021
women in business

We often focus on our success coming from the things that we do rather than who we are internally.

In my own experience of creating success, I have found that when I am focusing on my inner leadership, or how I lead myself from within, that is where true success is birthed.

For the past nine years I have started three branches of my business with success, that has manifested in having a successful online coaching practice; purchasing my dream property; and running a retreat center that focuses on creating programs in partnership with horses, and developing training and mentoring for those called to partner with horses in the way I do.

The sharing of this piece comes from my own experience of being a full time entrepreneur since 2012.

How do we empower our inner leadership? Or, what does that mean?


The driver of our courage, persistence, endurance and clarity in building our business and growing it, often comes from how we feel, not what we do.


When we are feeling fearful or in doubt of ourselves, we are less likely to make bold movements or to stay the course, which are needed to create success. How we feel and what we nurture internally has more to do with the longevity and building of success than anything else.


Creating practices and focusing on our mindset, our inner mind chatter and being in tune with our emotions are important places to tend to.

Meditation, journaling, moving our bodies, reading books that inspire, and seeking out mentorship to support our empowerment are all tools and resources that can support our inner leadership.

Is it your fear that is leading the way, or the voice of your strength? Having a consistent practice to pay attention to our thoughts, state of being and tending to our own internal being is an essential part of us building our success. If you don’t have a practice currently, I encourage you to find one that motivates and empowers you and then commit to it.

When we are strong and empowered from within, we will create the results that we are seeking externally. Who you put in the driver seat of your thoughts and emotions is important. Who’s driving your business?

About Hillary Schneider

Hillary Schneider runs Epona Rise Reatreat, an 80-acre retreat center where she provides coaching for women entrepreneurs and leaders and uses her herd of rescue horses to support her clients’ growth. She is passionate about helping others access their own wisdom and clarity of purpose by providing the space for people to connect with nature, take time for self-reflection, and get clarity on their path.

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