
Lianne Wessner

Lianne Wessner Coaching and Pukalily Aromatherapy , Vancouver
WeBC May 17, 2022

Lianne Wessner, a creative entrepreneur, is the owner and founder of two successful businesses driven by purpose. Her first venture, Pukalily Aromatherapy, is a natural skincare and aromatherapy wellness product line. Inspired to open Pukalily in 2012, she was driven by a passion for health & wellness and the desire to be a part of a cultural change. Her second business Lianne Wessner Coaching, which she launched in 2020, teaches women entrepreneurs how to develop new habits and rituals that foster a positive mindset so they can level up their life & business with purpose. 

As an entrepreneur herself, Lianne has been in the small business space for over 25 years. Prior to starting her businesses she held many creative positions. As a result she brings a diverse background of experience to the table including multimedia design, marketing, energy healing and community building. 

Having had a number of amazing, experienced mentors who she learned from over the years, Lianne now volunteers her time as a Mentor with WeBC

If I’ve learned one thing about entrepreneurship it’s that your business is only as strong as your mind. Coaching, training, and mentoring women entrepreneurs was the natural next step for me with my passion to support and empower women to connect to their unique gifts. I believe when women are supported, we thrive and everyone benefits. 

 Lianne’s deepest passion is to inspire and empower women to empower themselves, to live from their heart and to inspire a community of support to do this work.

I train and mentor creative entrepreneurs on how to make themselves the non-negotiable priority in their life and reset the chaos and overwhelm in their business and life.

Mentor Q&A 

Q. Is your business different now than it was when you started?  Why?  How?

Yes. It grew into being a wholesale product line with a niche in tourism. Then the business grew to include training and coaching other entrepreneurs on their journey.

Q. What made you want to be an entrepreneur?

I love the creative process of bringing an idea or passion into creation while nurturing and tweaking it to grow into something successful.  I love the courage, challenge and process of building something created from inspiration.

Q. What you feel is your greatest strength in your business

Creation.  I am most alive and engaged when creating authentic impact for others.  I am driven by purpose, passion, expression, curiosity and flow in work and life.  My passion is connecting to and inspiring community thru wellness, creativity, and transformation.

Q. What’s the biggest lesson you have learned while being in business for yourself?

Learning to make myself the priority!  I learned this the hard way; After I found myself completely lost in the fog of overwhelm, doubt, and burn out.  I had to learn to put myself first. I learnt how to recreate my business so it could revolve around my life, not the other way around.

Q. If you could give one piece of advice based on what you have learned/experienced, what would it be?

Entrepreneurship can be a lonely place, it is vital to have community with other entrepreneurs who understand this world.  Find like-minded mentors who know and understand your passion and vision and also remind you of self-care once in a while!!

Start where you are, there will never be ready or perfect and every mistake will lead you to your next level up.

About WeBC

WeBC is a not-for-profit that has been supporting women business owners across the province for over 25 years. Working with our regional partners, we’ve provided thousands of entrepreneurs with business loans and expertise, training, resources, and peer network support to help businesses grow and thrive.