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Starting a Business Resource Package


Congratulations on taking the next step to starting your business by attending our Starting Your Business Info Session!

Here are some relevant resources that may help in the early stages of your business planning.

We’re here to help! If you have any questions, call 1.800.643.7014 ext. 112 or send us an email.

Links We Referred to in the Session

Download the SBIS Agenda >>>

Part 1: How to Write a Business Plan

(Missed it? Register for the next one >>>)

Part 2: How to Make Your Business Official

(Missed it? Register for the next one >>>)

Free Resource Guides for Starting Your Business

Taking the Leap to Entrepreneurship Resource Guide

Taking the Leap to Entrepreneurship Guide

This free guide explores the internal process and offers inspiration to educate and support women who are making the transition to self-employment. Each section contains a list of additional resources to help you continue your journey. Get your free copy >>>

Starting Your Business Resource Guide Cover

Starting Your Business Guide

From drafting a business plan to finding start-up money, this free guide will help explain what you need to know in order to start a business in BC and where you can find resources and information to support you along the way. Get your free copy >>>

Paid Resources for Starting Your Business

  • Creating Your Business Plan Workbook ($15.00 – $29.95): This comprehensive learning guide takes you through each step of the business planning process—from thinking about starting a business to ticking off your business plan checklist.
  • Business Plan Review Service ($220): It can sometimes be difficult to look at your own business plan objectively and gauge if it is sound. Our Business Advisors can give constructive feedback from the point of view of an investor or lender.