Peer Group Mentoring Program Application

Connect with other business owners to support you along your business journey.

Thanks for your interest in our Peer Mentoring Group Program! Please fill out the application below and our Mentoring Team will be in touch.

Section 2 – Personal Information

Are you a current loan client of WeBC or the Vancity Unity program?(Required)
Mailing Address(Required)
For statistical purposes, please indicate if you are:(Required)
Would you like to receive
Please note that you may update your subscription preferences at any time through the WeBC website.

Section 3 – Eligibility Information

Please indicate your birth date(Required)
All participants must be at least 19 years of age.
When did you start your business?(Required)
Indicate which phase your business is currently in(Required)
On a scale of 1 to 4, with 1 being low and 4 being high, how would you rate your confidence level in managing all the aspects of your business and the business challenges you are facing?(Required)
Please select only THREE. To select multiple options, hold down the CTRL key and click.

Section 4 – Program Information

(max 255 characters, or approximately 50 words)
0 of 255 max characters
Are you operating your business full time or part time?(Required)
Please select only TWO. To select multiple options, hold down the CTRL key and click.

Section 5 – Terms and Conditions of Mentee Agreement

The purpose of this Mentee Agreement is to outline how WeBC and the mentee will conduct themselves and to ensure that all parties’ privacy is protected. Please review both the Collection & Use of Information and Acknowledgement & Release below and agree to their contents by checking each box.

WeBC Collection and Use of Information

I have answered all questions on this form and certify that all information I have provided is complete and accurate.

I understand WeBC, receives funding for this program from Pacific Economic Development Canada (PacifiCan).

I understand that information I have provided on this form or that has been collected about me during my participation in this program will be available to WeBC.

I understand that PacifiCan is responsible for fulfilling reporting obligations; however, no personally identifiable information about me will be exchanged with the federal government to fulfill this requirement.

I consent to being contacted by PacifiCan (or its agent) at intervals and up to 12 months after completion of my participation in this program for the purpose of program evaluation.

Collection and Use of Information

All information is collected pursuant to section 26(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. The information provided will be used for administrative and evaluation purposes of this program. If you have any questions about the use of this information, contact the Director, Programs & Partnerships (250) 868-3454.

Collection & Use of Information(Required)

WeBC Acknowledgement & Release

I acknowledge that, if I am matched with a mentor, my mentor is a source of experience and knowledge that I can draw from. I understand that my mentor does not provide “professional financial or legal advice,” but rather offers support and encouragement.

I hereby release my mentor from responsibility should I choose to rely on the information and advice provided to me by my mentor on behalf of WeBC.

Acknowledgement & Release(Required)