Learn About Investor Speak™: Program Info Session


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Apr 18 | 10-11:00 am PT

Thursday, April 18 | 10am to 11am PT | Free Virtual WeCafé

Do you feel like you’re not connecting when you speak with investors? In your mind, you’ve delivered a strong pitch, you’ve answered all their questions, and yet the conversation doesn’t go anywhere.

If you feel this way, you’re not alone. Research shows that investors ask women different questions than men, and those questions don’t lead to investment. As a result, women get less than 2% of VC funding.

WeBC is working to help more women overcome this barrier to equity financing, through our Investor Speak™ program, which teaches women how to lead the conversation. Participants practice on their own time for 15 minutes a day, then join weekly meetups with the group to receive group support on their venture capital journey.

On April 18, join us for a free info session to hear about the Investor Speak™ Program and learn:

  • Why it’s important to get more women into the equity financing world
  • What kinds of businesses are investable
  • What a strong value proposition looks like
  • And more!


Join us for this free session to learn more about the world of equity financing, determine if the Investor Speak™ program is right for you, and ask your questions!



  • Melanie Rupp, Senior Director, Loans & Advisory Services, WeBC
  • Erin Alexander, Entrepreneur-in-Residence and Certified Investor Q&A© Trainer

Storyteller: TBC


Thanks to funding from the Government of Canada’s Women Entrepreneurship Strategy, full grants are available to cover the $2,900 Investor Speak™ program cost.



Meet the Facilitator

Melanie Rupp, directrice principale de WeBC, Prêts et services consultatifs

Melanie Rupp, directrice principale, prêts et services de conseil chez WeBC, et formatrice certifiée en questions-réponses avec les investisseurs (Certified Investor Q&ATM Trainer). Elle dirige une équipe de spécialistes en services à la clientèle, en conseil aux entreprises et en administration des prêts, supervise le portefeuille de prêts et entretient de solides relations avec les... partenaires prêteurs de WeBC. Son équipe soutient les femmes entrepreneuses de la Colombie-Britannique en leur proposant des prêts et des services de conseil, et répond à des milliers de demandes de renseignements chaque année.Melanie se spécialise dans le travail avec les femmes pour trouver la bonne formule de financement pour démarrer, développer ou acheter une entreprise. En tant qu’ancienne responsable des prêts aux entreprises, elle comprend les difficultés que rencontrent les femmes pour avoir accès aux capitaux, et elle se donne pour mission de faire tomber les barrières que rencontrent les femmes entrepreneuses pour accéder aux capitaux nécessaires à la réalisation de leur plein potentiel dans les affaires. Read More Read Less

Erin Alexander, Entrepreneur-in-Residence and Certified Investor Q&A™ Trainer

Erin is an Entrepreneur-in-Residence and Certified Investor Q&A™ Trainer and Advisor based out of Vancouver. Her commitment at WeBC is to help women raise more in investment by mastering Q&A conversations with investors.After graduating from the University of Victoria with a Bachelor’s degree in Economics and Finance, she relocated to the UK and gained valuable experience in the Inst...itutional Equity Division at Morgan Stanley. During her time on the Venture Capital team at ? What If! Innovation her passion to work with start-ups was ignited, and has been her focus over the last 12 years.Since returning to Canada, she has been involved with successful women-driven start-ups and continued her education by completing the Accounting for Entrepreneurs and Small Businesses course at Capilano University. She is also an active member of the Women’s Equity Lab Vancouver—a collaborative group of diverse women investors.As part of the WeBC team, Erin plans to provide continued support to women entrepreneurs with their equity funding puzzle and promote equal representation in the entrepreneurial ecosystem. Read More Read Less