
Heather Black, Creative Spirit Solutions, in the Heart of Treaty Seven, Calgary

WeBC January 14, 2022

Meet Heather Black – O’takii Tsowakii, Education/Business Consultant at Creative Spirit Solutions and facilitator for WeBC’s upcoming Webinar Series: Business Planning Basics for Indigenous Women.

An Indigenous professional with over 15 years of experience, Heather is charismatic and dedicated to building inclusion in the Indigenous community. As a spirited entrepreneur, she is a workshop facilitator, strategist, and advisor. She also actively supports economic development in the Business and Education sectors.  

As the owner of Creative Spirit Solutions, Heather dedicates her time to both aspiring entrepreneurs and future leaders, the youth. Working extensively with Education authorities and start ups to develop customized programs, Heather is passionate with traditional and contemporary values. She provides her clients connection to a professional circle of supports and is always willing to share cross cultural knowledge.

I want to share with the world how beautiful our Indigenous people are and our culture and traditions and just being authentic out there.

A natural-born adventurist, from the Kainaiwa Nation, (also known as the Indigenous Adventure Girl) Heather’s ancestral name is O’takii Tsowakii. In 2020, Heather turned her passion for adventure into yet another entrepreneurial venture: Buffalo Stone Woman Indigescape Tours.

Providing guided group tours of the Rocky Mountains west of Calgary, her new business creates memorable Indigenous experiences exploring some of Canada’s most beautiful trails, lakes, mountains and waterfalls.

Recognizing there was an interest from outdoor enthusiasts about how Indigenous people connect to the land, Heather saw the opportunity to help by sharing her cultural knowledge. 

We have our ancestors who have walked here thousands of years but it’s a place here we can connect and ground our mind, body and spirit 

Heather enjoys being a go-to resource, always interested in hearing from former colleagues and building new networks.

Every path is different, unleash your mind, and walk where the pieces of life comes together

Work with Heather to launch your own business, starting January 31

Heather will be facilitating WeBC’s upcoming webinar series: Business Planning Basics for Indigenous Women

If you’re an Indigenous woman in the pre-startup or early stage of your business, this is for you! Learn more and reserve your spot today!

This article is based on the following sources:

Creative Spirit Solutions, Promoting Positive Inclusion in our Community

Buffalo Stone Woman, Your Indigescape

CBC News Article: CBC News Article: Meet 3 Indigenous women entrepreneurs promoting wellness and culture, Written By Floyd Black Horse

About WeBC

WeBC is a not-for-profit that has been supporting women business owners across the province for over 25 years. Working with our regional partners, we’ve provided thousands of entrepreneurs with business loans and expertise, training, resources, and peer network support to help businesses grow and thrive.

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