
Loredana Moretti

Panetti Financial Management Ltd. , Vancouver
WeBC May 17, 2022

Loredana Moretti’s own road to entrepreneurship was paved in business finance as she always had a hand in the family businesses of restaurants and construction. Following her studies at BCIT she spent many years working for Financial Institutions in various positions before venturing out on her own. 

In 2002, Loredana opened a restaurant under her own corporation, Panetti Management Ltd. After 9 years in the hospitality industry, she sold the restaurant to take time to focus on her family.  With a true entrepreneurial mindset, this hiatus gave way to a new idea. Changing the course of the company, Loredana decided to merge her passion for hospitality and experience in finance and created Panetti Financial Management Ltd. 

With her new accounting business, Loredana now helps businesses to review their financial statements, offers valuable consulting services and assists in streamlining overall business performance. 

My personal service model has become a successful small business which has presented many new opportunities for me.

A highly driven entrepreneur, Loredana volunteers her time to mentor with WeBC. She also consults and works with clients in areas including accounting, finance and development of strategic growth plans.

Mentor Q&A

Q. What’s the biggest lesson you have learned while being in business for yourself?

DON”T BE AFRAID TO FAIL…..failure is a part of success.  

I have been employed by others and self employed and what I would say about the difference is …If you are not the lead dog, the view never changes.

Q. Why do you want to volunteer your time as a mentor to help other women business owners?

I recently partnered with a client that had the desire to become an entrepreneur by taking over the business where she was employed.  I worked with her to set up, operate and leverage the business and clientele. By making changes to remain viable and current, we have now moved her on her own into a new location where she is destined to become even more successful.  I am proud as I watch her achieve something she deemed impossible. 

The above experience has been one of my most rewarding. So, when I saw this opportunity I was so excited and knew I had to apply.  I truly believe the saying:

When you get where you’re going, don’t forget to turn back around and help the next one in line.

About WeBC

WeBC is a not-for-profit that has been supporting women business owners across the province for over 25 years. Working with our regional partners, we’ve provided thousands of entrepreneurs with business loans and expertise, training, resources, and peer network support to help businesses grow and thrive.