
How Adversity Can Make You a Stronger Leader and a Better Person

Jennifer Grant December 20, 2018
(Shawmadithit (1801-1829): Portrait Source Link)

Have you ever been so discouraged or humiliated by someone or something that you have never gotten over it even if what caused you to feel this way might be many years in the past?
If so, I would like to focus on some strategies that can help you to overcome adversity.
Adversity has many faces; it can be that your personal life is in chaos, you missed a big client contract, your start-up business is on the brink of failure and you don’t know where to turn for support. The time to prepare for adversity is not when it is staring you in the face but actually when things are going well for you.

Be Determined:

You have handled tough situations before and you made it to the other side. If you are determined, you will get through your current set back. Think about how you will overcome your current challenge, enlist others who support you, rehearse and visualize a positive outcome.

Be Responsible:

When people face adversity, they often retreat from the situation and hope that it will resolve itself. It won’t! You need to take responsibility to determine what actions, behaviour and conduct you may have displayed that contributed to the situation.

Use Your Experience and Abilities:

Failure happens to everyone and it is not a judgement of you as a person or your abilities. If you have received negative feedback, reflect on what you could have done different or better and plan to do it next time.

Your Strengths Are Your Greatest Power:

Continual growth, competency and proficiency are all important things to strive for but it is your innate strengths that will help you to survive when you are struggling to overcome an obstacle or a setback.

Stand Up and Start Over:

If you have reached the pinnacle of despair, this may be a time to reassess what you need to do to set a new course. I know you can do this!
If you need any guidance or assistance to overcome any adversity in your career, business or personal life, we are here to help. Contact Jennifer Grant International for a courtesy consult.

About Jennifer Grant

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