Marketing & Market Research

Six Keys to Common Sense Marketing


While developing marketing strategy requires considerable research and thought on the part of the entrepreneur, it’s not rocket science. There are some basic common sense principles at work. In fact, although some experts out there will tell you differently, a lot of marketing boils down to concepts that you already know and, in fact, most likely already use in your day-to-day lives. The secret is in knowing how to use them to maximize business potential.

This article covers:

  • Specialists make more than generalists
  • Work the marketing success pyramid
  • Find and focus on heavy users
  • Better marketing = less selling
  • Mastering the art of communication
  • Be customer focused
  • 7/49 connections
  • Review

Good marketing is a cornerstone of business success. You can be the best multi-tasker, accountant, even negotiator, but if you don’t have a sound marketing strategy based on meeting the needs of a clearly defined target market, you aren’t going to sell much of anything to anybody. And like it or not, a business has to sell stuff to survive.

While developing marketing strategy requires considerable research and thought on the part of the entrepreneur, it’s not rocket science. There are some basic common sense principles at work. In fact, although some experts out there will tell you differently, a lot of marketing boils down to concepts that you already know and, in fact, most likely already use in your day-to-day lives. The secret is in knowing how to use them to maximize business potential.

WeBC has identified six keys to common sense marketing. Download this resource to learn more about each one and how you can use them to be more strategic with your marketing efforts!

Would you like to make better marketing decisions that maximize your time and budget?

Check out our free On-Demand SMART course, “Strategic Marketing: Build a Marketing Plan for Your Business.” It includes interactive exercises to work through each of these six keys, then walks you through seven steps to implement them in your own business. Learn more >>>