Taking the Leap to Entrepreneurship Resource Guide



This guide supports women who are considering self-employment by giving a sense of what being an entrepreneur is all about through the stories of BC women business owners.

So, you want to be an entrepreneur…

What would it be like to set out on your own—to become an entrepreneur? Whether you dream of working for yourself, running a small business, or building a global brand, there are many factors to consider when turning your dream into a reality.

If owning your own business is something you’ve always longed to do, you’re not alone. Women are choosing entrepreneurship for many reasons—to pursue a passion, have a more flexible lifestyle, create social impact and more!

When you look at a successful woman business owner, you may wonder if they have some special gene that sets them apart. Were they born to be entrepreneurs, or did they have to work at it? Were they ever afraid? How did they know they were ready and able to take that leap?

This guide is meant to support women who are deciding on self-employment by giving a sense of what being an entrepreneur is all about through the stories of BC women business owners. Written by an experienced WeBC Business Advisor, it walks you through key questions to ask yourself as you explore your own motivations, skills and opportunities.

We hope that this guide will help you feel supported and answer some of your basic questions to help you take the leap to entrepreneurship. Remember: when you’re ready to take that leap, WeBC is here to support you!

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