
4 Government Programs to Help You Export

Kath Britton September 19, 2018

There are many ways that women business owners can get support to grow their business. With all the government export program options out there, it can be difficult to sift through what’s available and find the best fit for your business.

Knowing that only 5% of women business owners export, the Canadian government has amped up its programs to help eliminate barriers to international trade for women entrepreneurs.

If you’re thinking about exporting, here are four government supports that that women business owners can use to access new markets and explore export opportunities.


The Canadian Commercial Corporation (CCC) helps Canadian businesses sell to foreign governments.

CCC guarantees the foreign buyer that you will deliver on the contract. This helps you gain credibility and look more attractive to potential buyers. Several countries, notably in Latin America and the Gulf, appreciate these assurances.

Possibly the biggest benefit of this service is that the Government of Canada acts as the prime contractor and signs a sub-contract with you. They are responsible for managing the contract and collecting payment, which helps you accelerate the procurement process, and reduce your own risk.

Note that customized fees apply for their services. However, this can be a big help for new exporters lacking credibility and experience in dealing with foreign buyers.


Becoming an exporter can be a complex process. What are the legalities? How do you make connections? How do you handle the logistics? Where do you start?

The Trade Commissioner Service has updated their step-by-step guide to help you create a proper export plan that is legal and profitable.

This free guide can be very helpful to help you ask and answer questions you may not have even thought of, and Step 1 includes an online quiz that will help you identify if you’re ready to export. View the guide >>


The BWIT Program, which is part of the Trade Commissioner Service (TCS), is a national program that provides products and services to help women entrepreneurs trade internationally.

They provide training, women-focused trade missions and support. I have accompanied BWIT on several trade missions in the past, and their support of the Canadian delegation has been fantastic. They help women prepare for the trade mission and they set up extra opportunities to meet with local buyers and government so the delegates can make the most of their trip.


I’m happy to report this free pilot program has been extended! The program provides export specialists in six regions of BC so businesses in all areas of the province can get help to develop an export plan. You can find a specialist in your area on the Export Navigator website.

Exporting can be an excellent strategy for growing your business, if you do it right. Fortunately, there are lots of supports available to help. If you want to learn more about which program(s) might be right for you, get in touch with us!

About Kath Britton

Kath Britton is a Contract Business Advisor for Women’s Enterprise Centre. Kath assesses loan applications and works directly with women business owners to provide one-on-one complimentary business guidance.