Growing Your Business

HR for Small Business: Free On-Demand Course


WeBC is delighted to present this self-paced course to help small business owners hire, train and lead their teams!

HR for Small Business” is part of our SMART Program series, so you you can work through the content on your own schedule on our On-Demand Learning Platform. The course is designed to help you understand key concepts, work through interactive case studies and complete activities that apply the learning to your own business.

About the Course

Having the right people on your team creates a positive work environment, helps you deliver quality service, lowers your training costs and frees you up to work on your business instead of in it. So how do you attract and keep great employees on your team?

WeBC has created this three-part module jam-packed with tools, tips and resources to help you develop useful HR strategies to implement at any stage of your business.

In this interactive module, you’ll work through a case study to practice your hiring skills, communicate with your team and learn proven culture-building strategies so you become the employer of choice. 

This module includes three chapters, which each take about one hour to complete: 

This course will be available in English and French.

Thanks to funding from the Government of Canada’s Women Entrepreneurship Strategy, this program is currently free!

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