
Camille MacDonald, Pop Media Inc., Prince George

WeBC November 7, 2019
Camille Macdonald

As a broadcast journalism student and then as a television reporter, Camille MacDonald always had an admiration for the videography industry.

“Six years ago I had just finished up the Broadcast Journalism program at BCIT, so I was really excited to find my first real, grown-up job. Lucky for me, it happened to be at the TV station in Prince George! So I packed up my worldly possessions into my little hatchback and embarked on a new life and career in a new city,” says Camille.

As Camille progressed in her career as a television news anchor, she began to take note of the rapid growth of social media and video content.

“My new job was as a TV reporter and anchor. So through that, I was lucky to be able to meet tons of people from all walks of life. I covered everything – fires, floods, community events, trials, graduations, election wins. Really, the full scope of the human experience—the highest highs and lowest lows. At the station, I started to shoot and edit my own stories. I also met an exceptionally talented and hilarious young writer/producer; Dan made the local TV commercials.”

One day, she had an idea—she could create material for businesses to post and help them advertise it. And that’s how Pop Media Inc. was born.

Pop Media Inc. is a videography company dedicated to capturing real people and real life.

“While we love creating inspired and fun content for businesses and large corporations, our true passion is creating videos that will be cherished for generations to come. Whether celebrating a special occasion or the every day, we are known for helping people be their true, authentic selves on camera. We capture weddings, parties and events, as well as create short documentaries about people; we call them family films. They are the perfect way to commemorate a retirement, birthday, anniversary, family gathering, special trip, or turning point in life.”

As Camille’s business grew rapidly, Camille acknowledged that she needed help to take her business to the next stage.

“I managed to grow the business to a point where Dan could join me. That’s when Pop Media truly took shape. Dan’s first day on the job was February 1, 2018 – and our lives have been a blur ever since. The last year kind of feels like a lifetime! We’ve been going non-stop – learning, growing, and making hundreds and hundreds of videos.”

Camille participated in our One-to-One Mentoring Program in 2018 and was matched with Bobbi Carpino.

“My mentor was such a shining example to learn from! She is sweet and caring, but also makes sure to hold you accountable!

The last year has been totally beyond my wildest dreams—we have traveled to New York, LA, and Mexico on projects, as well right across BC. We have been welcomed into countless homes and families! When I first started Pop Media, I NEVER would have thought I would have been able to do all of this, especially at such an early stage in the business. It just goes to show that my only barrier is what I think is possible.”

Since working with her mentor, Camille has seen a dramatic increase in monthly revenue for the business. Camille also says that she and her business partner, have also gained clarity on their direction, and which services to focus their time on.

“This is such an exciting time to be alive!! Right now, technology is allowing ‘regular’ people like us, to access the tools we need to create something amazing. Even a decade ago, it would have been much more difficult for us to gain the gear and knowledge needed to create Pop Media.

In this internet era, it’s also easier than ever to get your product or service out there. Anyone who can use a computer can create a website and start selling online. It’s an amazing opportunity for each of us to focus on what we truly LOVE, double down on it, and monetize it. Whether you’re into video production or game development or knitting – if you are willing to devote time and passion into it, you can make it into a career.

My hope is that more women become entrepreneurs! I never, ever planned to do this—but now I can’t imagine my life any other way.”

Mentee Q & A

Q: What inspired you to join the One-to-One Mentoring program?

As is the case with many artists and creative entrepreneurs, it’s often difficult to put the proper valuation on your own work. Entrepreneurship has been an enormous opportunity for personal growth! I have had to deeply consider my beliefs on money, self-worth, and many other issues in order to take the business to the next level.

Having a business, you get used to stepping outside your comfort zone! You also need to have self-awareness, see your own weaknesses and seek help in those areas.

That’s what led me to join the mentoring program! After a couple of years in business, I knew that I had done everything I could on my own; I recognized that I needed help to take things to the next stage.

Q: What are the biggest lessons you learned from your mentor?

I learned countless lessons from her, but the biggest lesson is to keep yourself open to opportunities.
One of the main benefits of being in business is to have independence and control over your own life. That’s why it’s so important to make decisions that move you ever closer to the life you really want.

Q: What struggles or barriers have you encountered as you’ve grown your business?

I remember hearing once that the children of celebrities are more likely to become famous themselves because fame is within their paradigm. Because they have been exposed to it, it seems attainable to them, and therefore, they reach for it. I feel that the same is true for business; my main limitations have been mental.

Q: What personal growth have you experienced as an entrepreneur?

The business has been an enormous opportunity and an intense boot camp for personal growth!
The biggest lesson of all is to live with self-awareness. I seriously consider the amount of time and energy it will take to tackle an issue – and if I’m able, I figure it out myself. But if I can’t, I seek out help.
Business is a very humbling experience. It continues to push me to my absolute limits, and beyond! And from other business owners, I’ve heard that it doesn’t get easier; you just deal with different problems. It is not for the faint of heart! But I can’t imagine living any other way.

Q: Where do you see your business in five years?

In five years, we see our business growing as a team! Part of our company’s mission is to give opportunities to young people. Plus, we see ourselves moving into a studio. It would give us great pride to see our logo on a downtown building!
Our goal is to become a creative hub for northern BC—giving opportunities to youth to train in media, and, through employment, empower people to fulfill their creative potential. For us, success is 20 years from now, having someone watch a video we created, and its value is then fully appreciated.

Where to Learn More About Pop Media


Facebook – @PopMediaBC

Instagram – @PopMediaBC

Youtube – @PopMedia

About WeBC

WeBC is a not-for-profit that has been supporting women business owners across the province for over 25 years. Working with our regional partners, we’ve provided thousands of entrepreneurs with business loans and expertise, training, resources, and peer network support to help businesses grow and thrive.