
Christine Grouhel, Fence ‘N More Supplies Ltd., Logan Lake

WeBC October 22, 2021

Christine Grouhel doesn’t just build fences; she builds relationships with her community and her customers. Since 2014 her business, Fence ‘N More Supplies Ltd has been helping her neighbours in the Interior and Okanagan build fences that give them security, peace of mind, and add to the beauty of their property.

What first started as a side gig, quickly turned into a full-time family business for Christine and her husband, a retired RCMP officer, to keep up with demand. With the support of their small community behind them, they continued to grow, finding new ways to expand their business. 

Logan Lake has become our extended family. We wanted to be able to offer an exceptional service, with premium products our community deserved, and by a trusted source, at a fair price.

I am grateful for the support everyone has shown to enable us to grow and expand. Our business has allowed us to make many new friends along the way.

We protect what’s important to you.

Inspired by the opportunity to connect with other like-minded women and build a network to support each other, Christine joined the WeBC Peer Mentoring Program.

The company is growing fast, and I wanted to hear how other women were able to make the transition. What worked for them, what didn’t and why? I wanted to learn from others how to be able to make better, informed decisions moving forward.

After her experience, she noticed tremendous growth in herself and her business. With the local wildfires and the pandemic, she is no stranger to revisiting the company’s direction. The pandemic opened opportunities to step back and expand her knowledge through WEC webinars and online courses. She learned how to work ON her business, rather than IN her business. Christine believes in seizing every opportunity because hard work does pay off. 

Through WeBC’s mentoring program I gained confidence in myself as a successful businesswoman.  I also learned there is no ONE right way. If something does not work, go back and try again, and again, until you find what works for you and your business.

The company services all of BC and is currently expanding. Over the next five years, she hopes to pass the reins of the business to her daughter to manage. By then, the company will have a solid foundation in BC and beyond.

Mentee Q&A

Q. What struggles or barriers have you encountered as you’ve grown your business?

Jumping from the kiddie pool to the big pool. Starting as a part-time side gig, filling a niche that has turned into an incorporated company with employees and still growing fast. 

Finding that work/life balance continues to be a struggle, so that will remain a focal point for me personally.  Funding—when you incorporate, you must start from scratch and build your credit again, as if the company never existed so that did set us back a bit.

Q. What are your major successes since participating in the mentoring program?

I have had so many business successes since joining the program. 

Sales have increased as our client base has expanded. We have hired staff and I have a better awareness of the work/life balance but am not quite there yet. Plus, our network has definitely grown.

Q. Any other advice for fellow women entrepreneurs you’d like to share?

Reach out!  There are so many resources available to you and once you find one, it will open the next door for you, then another and another.  

I wish I had done it sooner as the knowledge gained is immeasurable.

white picket style fence around pool

Where to Find Fence ‘N More Supplies Ltd.


10520 Highway 97D, Old Meadow Creek Road, Logan Lake, British Columbia V0K 1W0, Canada

(778) 257-9473

About WeBC

WeBC is a not-for-profit that has been supporting women business owners across the province for over 25 years. Working with our regional partners, we’ve provided thousands of entrepreneurs with business loans and expertise, training, resources, and peer network support to help businesses grow and thrive.