Make AI Work for Your Business! Join us for a webinar series with AI expert Jennifer Hufnagel. Save your seat >>>
An event every week that begins at 10:00 am on Thursday, repeating until April 17, 2025
AI is everywhere—are you making the most of it?
It seems like every day there’s a new tool, update, or trend in artificial intelligence (AI). If you’re feeling like you’re missing out or unsure where to start, you’re not alone! AI can be a powerful tool to save time, boost productivity, and enhance your business—if you know how to use it effectively.
This spring, WeBC is excited to partner with Jennifer Hufnagel, Business Consultant, Learning & Development Specialist, and AI Futurelab Certified Trainer, to offer a practical and hands-on workshop series: “ChatGPT for Entrepreneurs: Work Smarter, Not Harder.”
Jennifer brings over 25 years of professional experience in corporate training, instructional design, and business development. She has spent the last two years specializing in AI, leading ChatGPT and LLM training for over 1,000 participants globally.
AI is set to be the most transformative, disruptive, and exciting technology of the 21st century, impacting every industry, every job, and every aspect of our lives. This is not the time to “put your head in the sand”—AI is happening, whether we like it or not.
This practical, hands-on, series prepares you to thrive, succeed, and stay relevant in your business. As you take in the power of ChatGPT and its practical applications, you will be able to immediately reduce your workload, save time, become more efficient, and prioritize what truly matters.
We’ll focus on three key areas:
Series Schedule
All sessions are on Thursdays, from 10am to 11am PT.
Join us in a supportive and interactive environment where you can unlock the potential of AI and gain practical experience using ChatGPT!
A recording will be available for 30 days after each live session.
Open to everyone but only 20 spots are available so register today!
Series cost: $95; free for WeBC Loan clients and Vancity Women Entrepreneur Program clients.