
Food Business Planning Workshop | Burnaby

BC Food & Beverage HQ 4621 Canada Way, Unit 135, Burnaby

The Food Business Planning program is tailored to assist food processors in learning, developing, and strategically expanding their businesses. It focuses on identifying key challenges and factors that hinder growth […]

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Financial Survival for Entrepreneurs


As your business grows, so does the complexity of managing its finances. Join WeBC and Purpose CPA on January 15 for an insightful session designed for entrepreneurs who are beyond […]

Force dans la communauté | Prendre les rênes

Joignez-vous à Jocelyne Nicolas, coach exécutive et animatrice, pour une autre série inspirante d’ateliers Forces dans la communauté (AFC) conçue pour soutenir les entrepreneures qui s’identifient comme des femmes+. L’objectif […]