
Land Acknowledgements Workshop


Land Acknowledgements are becoming increasingly commonplace at event openings and gatherings made by organizations and individuals alike. While the majority of Land Acknowledgements when performed well are impactful in creating transformative spaces, there are many conversations and considerations surrounding ones that feel performative. Land Acknowledgements are crucial to visibilizing Nations that have cared for our […]



Rock My Business Plan


An impending economic slowdown may appear daunting for young, aspiring entrepreneurs. With the right approach one can create space for innovative ideas and find opportunities to fill gaps in the market with niche products and services. Are you an entrepreneur looking to transform your idea into a thriving business or grow your newly launched small […]


Rock My Business Plan


An impending economic slowdown may appear daunting for young, aspiring entrepreneurs. With the right approach one can create space for innovative ideas and find opportunities to fill gaps in the market with niche products and services. Are you an entrepreneur looking to transform your idea into a thriving business or grow your newly launched small […]
