
Discovery Foundation’s Digital Strategic Leadership Program

Join us to learn how to implement technology that can accelerate your business growth!

Discovery Foundation’s Digital Strategic Leadership Program, presented by WeBC, is designed to support women entrepreneurs who want to radically rethink their business. Using a digital lens, it equips you to implement technology to improve your business performance as you build and grow your technology-focused or technology-enabled businesses.

Who is this for?

This program is geared towards women who own and lead tech-focused or tech-enabled businesses that have been operating for more than 2 years and are ready for growth and expansion.

Examples of businesses that may qualify:

  • Communications and social media firms
  • Coaches and consultants who use digital collaboration or marketing tools
  • Retail stores with eCommerce sites
  • App and game creators
  • Healthcare and environmental technologies
  • Engineers, designers, and IT businesses
Woman business owner working on laptop with dog

Program components

Do you have a Digital Strategy for your business? We can help you build one.

This program empowers women business owners to embrace innovation while improving your organizational processes. Through this program, you will develop:

  • A Digital Strategy: Understand what a digital strategy is and how to build one for your business. Build a strategic measurement plan to evaluate the performance of the digital strategy.
  • A Defined Customer Journey: Map the customer journey and recognize client pain points. Gain awareness of current technologies and how to leverage them to add value to your clients.
  • Innovation and Automation: Map your internal processes and identify opportunities for automation. Learn models to create space for innovation within your business.

About the program

Key dates

  • July 15 | Application intake Opens
  • August | Intake & Applicant Interview, Group Placement
  • September to November | Program Delivery

Program details

  • Where: ZOOM
  • When: September to November 2024; 8 week program delivery (exact dates and times TBC). Each session is 3 hours.
  • Cost: $299 thanks to generous support from the Discovery Foundation. Free for WeBC loan clients!
  • Eligibility:
    • This program is designed to support women entrepreneurs who are actively operating their business and generating a minimum of $200,000 in revenue
    • In business for over 2 years
    • Have at least one staff member (or contractor equivalent)
    • Be available to dedicate time outside of the program sessions to work on your business and develop your digital strategy and leadership skills.
    • Your business must operate in the tech sector use technology as a significant part of your business (such as an ecommerce site), or create innovative products, services or processes.
    • Priority will be given to women who identify as a person with a disability, an immigrant, a person of colour, Indigenous or those who belong to the 2SLGBTQ+ community.

How to apply

The application intake will open July 15. To be notified when applications open, please join our waitlist >>>

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A partnership of

WeBC and Discovery Foundation logos


WeBC is supported by Pacific Economic Development Canada and the Government of Canada’s Women Entrepreneurship Strategy
The Digital Strategic Leadership program is part of the Discovery Foundation Technology Education Program