
Overcome Your Resistance and Embrace Virtual Networking


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Dec 13 | 10-11:00 am PT


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Love it or hate it, virtual networking is here to stay. If you’re a business owner, networking is critical to growing your business; in fact, 73% of women entrepreneurs we surveyed say access to new networks is essential to their success.

Virtual networking can be an effective way to save time and reach new markets. So how do you ensure you make valuable connections without feeling like a salesperson?

On December 13, join us for a WeCafé with networking expert and life coach Sue Maitland PCC who will share the secrets to successful virtual networking. She’ll share how to:

  • Reframe your limiting beliefs about networking
  • Learn the basics of virtual networking
  • Approach networking with a plan
  • Hold meaningful conversations that find mutual benefits and go beyond small talk
  • Follow up in a way that adds value

Join us to ask your networking questions of Sue, and connect with other women entrepreneurs!

Wednesday, December 13 | 10am to 11am | Free Virtual WeCafé

Open to everyone!

Facilitator: Danielle Andrews, Outreach Officer

Panelist: Sue Maitland, ICF Accredited Life Coach and Networking Expert




Meet the Facilitator

Danielle Andrews, WeBC Outreach Officer

Danielle Andrews is passionate about connecting women entrepreneurs to the resources they need to succeed in business. Since joining the WeBC team in 2014, she has worked with hundreds of clients to find their own pathway in entrepreneurship. As an experienced facilitator, she loves leading workshops that inspire women to start their own businesses, hosting experts in our WeCafés, and helping women find their own self confidence, as a Taking the Stage® facilitator.

As Outreach Officer, Danielle connects with partners and service providers around the province to ensure that the entrepreneurial ecosystem is well connected and is supportive of women entrepreneurs. In her role, she also coordinates the WeBC Regional Ambassadors who are located in rural communities around the province to increase the reach of our programs. As a member of the client services team, she connects clients to the resources they need to succeed in business.

Danielle has a business degree from the Okanagan School of Business with a major in Marketing. As an active volunteer, Danielle was the 2020 President of JCI Kelowna.

Meet the Panelists

Sue Maitland

After a successful career in the world of IT, a little over 10 years ago, Sue took the leap and left her corporate job to follow her passion and train to become a professional life coach. Accredited through the International Coach Federation at the PCC level, Sue now specialises in helping others make inspired professional and personal transitions.

One of the biggest challenges Sue faced as a new business owner was learning to overcome her resistance and become a proficient networker. She joined networking groups and gradually reframed her view of networking and became much more comfortable with it.

Over time, Sue learned to love networking, although she realised it was still something that was challenging for many people. She decided to do something to help them. Her Networking for Success workshop was originally developed to help newcomers to Victoria integrate into the city, make friends and find work. Soon her coaching clients in career transition were clamouring for access to this material too. Since then, hundreds of people have completed her course and found a speedy path to becoming more confident and proficient at networking.

Sue is now a passionate advocate for the need for everyone to build a strong and supportive network as she believes it can transform both your personal and professional life.

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