
Market Validation Training Application Deadline

SFU VentureLabs is bringing back their popular Market Validation Training program this fall! This is a 4-session course designed to give founders the tools and vision they need to grow their business effectively. Companies will be matched on a first-come, first-served basis with expert mentors to provide expertise as they move through the program. Limited […]

Business Women in International Trade and the Indian Market


Canadian woman exporters are invited to learn the best practices for doing business in India Women exporters and entrepreneurs are invited to join the Trade Commissioner Service (TCS) for Business Women in International Trade and the Indian Market, an upcoming virtual panel discussion centering on doing business in India as a Canadian business woman. Attendees will […]

How I Raised My First 100K – And What I Did Next


Learn from women founders about how they secured their first $100k/round of funding, from building their pitch deck to getting the signature on the cheque! Learn how they achieved their funding goals and how you can apply what they learned in your own fundraising journey. Register Here >>>

Grant-Funded Program: How to Raise Venture Capital

Applications are now open for the BC Cohort of the Women and Non-Binary Impact Network for Venture Capital (WIN-VC) Project! Equity financing can be a fitting piece of your funding puzzle, yet it's a source often overlooked by women entrepreneurs. Only 10% of VC deals have gone to women-led startups since 2014, so we're working to increase that […]

Find out how Canada’s trade team partners can help your business grow globally | Découvrez comment les partenaires de l’équipe commerciale du Canada peuvent aider votre entreprise à croître à l’international


Growing your business beyond Canada can be instrumental to long‑term success. And while there are lots of federal programs available to assist businesses, it can be tough to know where to begin your search. Don't miss a free webinar in collaboration with Canada's trade team partners, and featuring a speaker from the Trade Commissioner Service, […]
