
How to Hire the Right Person

Mahsa Arbabi October 16, 2020

Hiring is usually a big challenge for businesses. How to hire, how to interview and how to trust are some of the challenges that small business owners face.

Based on my experience as a small business owner, here are my tips if you plan to hire a new team member:

  1. Post an employment opportunity on job posting engines such as Indeed, or on the job boards of universities or colleges that are likely to have resumes of potential hires in your industry.
  2. You will find a lot about them in the interview, so it is important to have a list of questions that can help you to understand them better. Ask about their knowledge and experience and possible challenges at work and how will they solve such problems.
  3. Create a training manual. After the new employee and team members have worked together for some time ask your team members for their feedback. These answers will help you to decide about the new team member. 
  4. You may need a second interview after the training period. You already know about the new person’s performance, and he/she knows about his/her position. This time you can ask them more work related and specific questions.
  5. This is the time to decide if you want to confirm your new hire or not, based on your interview, training, and your team members’ feedback.

My final suggestion is to read the Linchpin book from Seth Godin. In this book, he mentioned 3 lessons about what makes you a linchpin and how to become one:

  • Linchpins pour their heart, soul and energy into their work.
  • You must make a conscious choice to overcome your fears to become a linchpin.
  • Give genuine gifts, without expecting anything in return.
About Mahsa Arbabi

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