
Marketing & Market Research

Marketing & Market Research

Porter’s 5 Forces: Understanding Competitive Forces to Maximize Profi...

This tool helps you understand the five forces that impact your business environment: competitive rivalry, supplier power, bu...

Marketing & Market Research

How to Write Press Releases That Get Media Attention

Just announcing your news isn’t enough. The real “trick” to getting media attention is to pique the editor̵...

Marketing & Market Research

Census Bureau

A thorough list of international statistical agencies....

Marketing & Market Research

Labour Market Information

Explore Canada’s Labour Market Trends Making informed decisions about your business or career starts with understanding the...

Marketing & Market Research

What is Market Research & What Can it Do For You

Market Research is an important factor in ensuring a business succeeds. In our society, change is rapid and continuous. ...

Marketing & Market Research

BC Stats

BC Stats is the central statistical agency of the Province of British Columbia and has the largest concentration of statistic...

Marketing & Market Research

Chambers of Commerce in BC

The BC Chamber of Commerce is a not-for-profit organization representing the interests and concerns of local Chambers of Comm...

Marketing & Market Research

How to Write an Effective Marketing Plan

A good, effective marketing plan is an invaluable tool for any business owner, whether you are just starting your new enterpr...

Marketing & Market Research

Six Keys to Common Sense Marketing

While developing marketing strategy requires considerable research and thought on the part of the entrepreneur, it’s not ro...

Marketing & Market Research

Marketing’s Four P’s: First Steps for New Entrepreneurs

From the Department of Agricultural Economics (Cole Ehmke, Joan Fulton and Jayson Lusk) comes this document and worksheets th...

Marketing & Market Research

Pricing Your Products and Services

The right price has to be low enough to attract customers and high enough to make them profitable. It’s part art and pa...

Marketing & Market Research

Cost-Based Pricing For Services

Many small businesses are not making a profit today because they do not know the basic concepts of costing and pricing. The s...