Cashflow Canvas series starts September 17! Managing your financials is as easy as painting by numbers. Learn more >>>
Securing a federal contract is just the beginning. Wondering what comes next? This workshop will delve into the essential ste...
RFx is an acronym that encompasses Request for Information (RFI), Request for Expression of Interest (REOI), Request for Prop...
Discover effective strategies for selling goods and services to the federal government without the complexity of lengthy Requ...
Are you looking to grow your business by selling to the Government of Canada? Low dollar value bids can be a great way to exp...
A business owner’s to-do list is never done. As your business builds momentum, it’s not an option to simply do more every...
Have you ever looked at a tender and thought where do I start? Reading and comprehending tenders is no simple task, so WeBC h...
If you’re a solopreneur, you likely spend most of your time thinking of the short- and long-term needs of your business. Wh...
Join WeBC and Procurement Assistance Canada (PAC) for an interactive panel discussion to learn about supplying goods and serv...
Watch the procurement process in real time through the lens of a Government of Canada Contracting Officer/Technical Authority...
This session will explore the authoritative website for Government of Canada procurement, You will disc...
This session introduces you to the concept of selling to the Government of Canada and the IDEaS (Innovation for Defense Excel...
Whether you have a list of ideas to grow your business, or an unexpected opportunity has come your way, the same strategies y...