

Marketing & Market Research

Getting the Most From a Trade Show

Everything from preparing for, participating in, and following through on a tradeshow has a hand in your success.  Make ...

Marketing & Market Research

Nine Neglects That Kill at Trade Shows

Trade shows, whether national or regional, are one of the foremost ways for manufacturers to market and sell their products. ...

Marketing & Market Research

Six Steps to a Winning Press Release

Sure, we all hope for an enormous amount of publicity for our businesses, yet we continue to produce “ho hum” pre...

Marketing & Market Research

How to Write an Effective Marketing Plan

A good, effective marketing plan is an invaluable tool for any business owner, whether you are just starting your new enterpr...

Marketing & Market Research

Six Keys to Common Sense Marketing

While developing marketing strategy requires considerable research and thought on the part of the entrepreneur, it’s not ro...

Marketing & Market Research

Marketing’s Four P’s: First Steps for New Entrepreneurs

From the Department of Agricultural Economics (Cole Ehmke, Joan Fulton and Jayson Lusk) comes this document and worksheets th...

Marketing & Market Research

Pricing Your Products and Services

The right price has to be low enough to attract customers and high enough to make them profitable. It’s part art and pa...

Marketing & Market Research

Cost-Based Pricing For Services

Many small businesses are not making a profit today because they do not know the basic concepts of costing and pricing. The s...

Marketing & Market Research

Pricing For Small Retailers

This aid is a checklist for the owner-manager of a small retail business. These 52 questions probe the considerations–f...


Action Strategies to Support Women’s Enterprise Development

Report by The Canadian Taskforce for Women’s Business Growth, October 2011 The Taskforce is a national, non-partisan consor...

Exiting Your Business

Business Acquisition Checklist

Buyer beware!  Before buying a business, be sure to complete this checklist.  It is a guide to aid prospective buye...

Exiting Your Business

Determining the Value of a Business

After deciding to buy or sell a business, the subject of “how much” becomes important. Determining the value of a...